Additional Penn State Financial Links
The Penn State Fact Book
In addition to general information about Penn State, the Fact Book contains a wide variety of information on students, faculty and staff, budget and finances, research expenditures, and alumni and development activities. New information will be added as it becomes available.
Penn State "At A Glance" dashboard
A statistical snapshot of the University
Public Accountability
Our goal is to make timely information about Penn State available to students, faculty, staff, and citizens of the Commonwealth, and to do so in an easy-to-use format.
University Budget Office
Our goal is to make Penn State's Budget and related information available to faculty, staff, students and the citizens of the Commonwealth for their inspection and use.
Questions about appropriations? Visit this helpful guide.
Finance & Business Unit
Finance & Business is a service organization that supports Penn State students, faculty, staff, and the public. We are responsible for the planning, management, and stewardship of the University's human, financial, physical, and environmental resources.